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Avoid being scammed by NFTs as artist

Avoid being scammed by NFTs as artist

In today's digital era, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have opened doors for artists who wish to experiment with digital content and find new ways to sell their works. But as any artist knows, with new opportunities also come new risks. Unfortunately, there is an increase in fraud and deception within the NFT world.

The scam that is affecting most artists right now goes like this: Scammers start by sending a message over social media or email, saying something like; Hey! Want to make some money? Turn your art into NFTs today and earn a lot of money very quickly. And then they continue trying to get you to give them all the rights to your art, for some of your money of course! But you shouldn't fall for it, as you'll get nothing out of it except losing your art and your money.

But if you want to enter the NFT world, you can follow these seven tips:

Research as Much as Possible:

Start by gaining insight into the platforms you're considering using to sell your NFTs. Investigate their reputation, policies, and political bias. The more you know about the platform, the better equipped you are to make informed decisions.

Protect Your Content:

When uploading your artwork to a platform, make sure to protect your content as much as possible. Consider adding watermarks or digital signatures to clarify your copyright and make it harder for others to steal or copy your work.

Offers Too Good to Be True Are Not True:

If a platform promises big gains or guarantees high income, be very skeptical. The NFT market is still new and unpredictable, and there's no guarantee of success. Be realistic with your expectations and avoid falling for get-rich-quick schemes.

Read Contracts Thoroughly:

Before agreeing to sell your NFTs on a platform, read and understand the terms of the contract thoroughly. Be aware of fees, charges, or rights that the platform may require in connection with your sales.

Maintain Your Integrity:

As an artist, your integrity and reputation are crucial. Avoid getting involved in projects or collaborations that could damage your reputation as an artist. Be cautious about which projects you support or participate in, and make sure to thoroughly research potential partners or clients.

Seek Advice From Others:

Share your experiences and questions with others in the NFT community. Often, other artists can provide valuable insight and advice based on their own experiences. You can also research things online or ask friends.

Use Extra Security for Your Digital Assets: When dealing with digital assets like NFTs, it's important to have strong security in place to protect your valuable works. This may include using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, or securely storing your private keys offline, such as on a piece of paper or in a notebook.

By following these tips, you can hopefully avoid being deceived as an artist in the NFT market and focus on the most important thing: creating and sharing your unique artistic expression with the world. Always remember to be vigilant and think before making decisions in the digital art market.